Coastal BendMamas
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What is started as a website, community calendar and weekly emailed Newsletter & Event Update for South Texas moms, allowing them to be connected to the community. Since we started 2 years ago, we have added great social media coverage, our daily deals site for local moms, and now our printed Coastal Bend Mamas Family Book!

What does that mean for you?

This gives our advertisers an edge, because mamas are already in front of the computer where they get most of their information for making decisions for their families. You are just a click away. We average 20,000 hits monthly & with well over 1500 subscribers we already have an enthusiastic group of mamas and family friendly businesses in the community supporting us! We have added printed marketing and daily deals to give our clients more options to reach their targeted market and get new customers every month! Make plans now to include advertising with in your budget.

How do moms find out about

We are using social media, such as Facebook & Twitter, Yahoo Groups, emails and have printed tons of postcards (now) and deliver our Family Book (starting in July) every month to the community at restaurants, hospitals, family friendly businesses and doctor’s offices. We have been manning booths at fairs, expos & fundraisers and we have had articles in the Caller Times, Corpus Christi Daily and too! Many communtiy groups, like MOPS, LaLeche League, homeschool groups & scout troops etc., have spread the word about us through their memberships, but our proudest form of advertising is by word-of-mouth when our Mama Members share us with friends and family!

What Mamas are Saying:

"I love this website! It's sooo helpful" ~Lettie Silvas

“Thank you so much for having such a wonderful website for us Mommas here in the coastal bend. This is perfect and what I have been looking for since I got to Corpus over a year ago! With 3 kids and new to this city it has always been a challenge to look for fun things to do with them! Again, thank you and look forward to getting on here often. Have a great day!” ~ Marci Garza

"Loved looking around to see what you have!!!" ~ Carolyn Riddle

"I am glad that my co-worker told me about this website I have been trying to find a moms group since I moved here". ~Kristi Sharpe

"I am looking forward to this site and to see it growing!  Thanks." ~Sherrel Wallace

"I am thrilled to have found this website!  I just moved here with three young kids at the beginning of the summer.  Prior to moving, I had spent hours on the computer trying to find things to do with the kids.  You have done so much for me and my family without even knowing it!  Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!" ~Susannah Stearnes

"I am loving your website, we have done several things that we have only found out about there." ~Amy Warner

"My husband loves your website and he checks it first to see what's going on in CC and what we can do as a family... Thanks for doing this!" ~Christina Kubala Velazquez 

"THUMBS UP!!!!!!" ~Johanna Ramirez

"I really love your newsletter. I look forward to receiving it in my In-box. ;)" ~Kathy Ricke 

Become a part of our local, positive, informative resource for families in the Coastal Bend! Connect with Mamas today!

Advertising & Sponsorship options include:

Media Kit 1

Media Kit 2

If you have any questions about how we can help your business, or to advertise please contact Judy. or 361-739-4463


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